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Strengthening Ties and Promoting Digital Progress: Samdech Techo Hun Sen Meets with Japanese Ambassador

PHNOM PENH May 18, 2024: In a significant diplomatic engagement, Samdech Techo Hun Sen, President of the Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia, attended a special luncheon hosted by Mr. ENENO Azizi (UENO Atsushi), the Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia, at the Japanese Embassy in Phnom Penh this Saturday.

The luncheon, marked by cordial exchanges and discussions on bilateral cooperation, underscored the enduring relationship between Cambodia and Japan. The Japanese Ambassador expressed gratitude for the warm reception and reflected on the evolution of Phnom Penh’s landscape since his embassy's establishment in 2002, noting significant developments such as the new buildings of the Cambodian People's Party and the Ministry of Interior.

Highlighting the active role of Samdech Hun Sen in international affairs, the Ambassador mentioned recent engagements with global leaders and emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the current global context, troubled by conflicts such as the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

A key topic during the discussions was Cambodia's strides in digital innovation, particularly the widespread use of QR codes for payments, which the Ambassador pointed out as a testament to the nation’s rapid digital adoption. He praised Japan's role in supporting Cambodia’s digital transformation, including the establishment of a national data center and ongoing initiatives to train Cambodian youth in digital technologies.

In response, Samdech Techo Hun Sen highlighted Cambodia’s commitment to democratic processes and regular elections since 1993, a journey supported by international partners including Japan. He recounted his visits to the Japanese Embassy, notably signing a condolence book following the tragic 2011 earthquake in Japan.

The Senate President also elaborated on Cambodia’s digital leap, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which propelled educational and governmental sectors forward by several years. He acknowledged Japan’s assistance in this realm and expressed hope for continued collaboration, particularly in fostering a generation adept in digital skills.

Both leaders also discussed the broader regional and international scenarios, touching upon ongoing conflicts and the potential impacts of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence on socio-economic development.

The luncheon not only reinforced the diplomatic bonds between Cambodia and Japan but also set the stage for future cooperation in digital innovation and stability in the region.

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